Manifestation Versus Presence

Manifestation Versus Presence

I’ve pondered the concept of manifestation over many years now. 

The sparkly gurus of magnetisation and law of attraction have never felt quite authentic or real to me.

Too much emphasis is placed on sales, ramped up marketing angles, chasing fame, money magnets and an overall sense of a ‘man-made’ creation.

What I’ve come to realise when connecting more deeply with this concept is that manifestation is merely a steppingstone to embarking on a wider journey – one of inner connection and presence.

You see, as humans we can be conditioned to believe that things won’t work out unless we set plans in motion to control the details and outcomes.

Irritability and frustration can arise from being uncomfortable with the unknown. As humans, we want to know everything, right?

So, we look for ways to control our future and before we know it, we have fallen into the shiny entrapment cycle of manifestation.

An outdated paradigm of external seeking disguised as a new age practice. 

We play in cycles of lack, stress, scarcity, dissatisfaction, wanting things immediately, wanting to get our own way, always wanting more… 

We place demands on ourselves and the Universe, emanating the energy of a spoilt child.

We find ourselves investing in glory chasing looking for the never-ending pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

We desire more money, a bigger house, a bigger car, a better life, all the while distracting us from the one true thing we need to be focusing on – inner connection and presence!

Essentially, we seek to create and control our reality by focusing purely on the external influences in our world – instead of turning our attention inwards.

Trying to manifest or should I say manipulate events in our life, can push us out of alignment. We may ask the Universe for outcomes, attach to expectations that are not for our highest good. We have a thirst for the details of every minuet plan. Yet, all this will do is send us on a detour of what is truly waiting for us. 

Resistance restricts flow!

Let me ask you a question, when you go out to a restaurant and order a meal, would you walk into the kitchen, check the ingredients being used, ask the chef how they intend to cook your dinner and oversee how it is presented?

No, you simply order your meal and trust that it will arrive. You then place your focus on something else.

The same principles apply in your daily life – you need to drop the interference and leave the details to the Universe.

There is a saying – your inner world reflects your outer world. When you connect with your inner reality you find a much deeper connection.

You come to understand that happiness is found internally through awareness and understanding of one’s true self.

The author Leo Tolstoy expressed this beautifully when he wrote;

“Your understanding of your inner self holds the meaning of your life.”

Instead of building happiness on external temporary foundations, of gain and material wealth all of which can disappear in an instant, you begin to understand that happiness is found and built from within.

Michael Beckwith summed this up wonderfully when he said;

“Authentic happiness comes from being in the conscious connection with our inner being rather than dependency on outer things and circumstances which are constantly in a state of flux.”

Take a moment to pause and truly reflect on this…

As you connect with your true self, on a much deeper level, you begin to master the concept of being in the moment, creating a more conscious way of living. Over time this develops into longer periods of being able to remain present.

This is where you will find the real treasure. Bountiful gifts of enlightenment and wisdom.

When you are truly present and in alignment there is nothing to manifest, everything you need, you have, in that precise, present moment.

There is no longing, discontentment, or what ifs!

Your higher self and the universe have your back, in every present moment. So, relax!

That’s it – that’s all you need to know. It really is that simple, no marketing or tantalising life hacks, required.

In essence, as humans, we are conditioned and programmed to put our energy into everything going apart from the one true nugget of gold. Living in the present moment 

Yes, it is a journey of mastery, full of twists and turns, but one in which you are completely in the driver’s seat.

When we are present, we don’t lack or need anything. There is no chasing our future, no regretting our past, it quite simply just is, in any given moment. 

If you find yourself asking for something specific, that is fine if the human self needs some reassurance and is wobbling and feeling vulnerable. Simply, know that this is purely to satisfy this aspect of ‘self’ that seeks reassurance – the ego. It won’t affect the outcome – the Universe already has the outcome lined up waiting for you. As you push through these layers of understanding and strengthen your internal connection, the seeking will lessen more and more as you begin to let go and surrender.

As you slow down, and connect to a conscious way of living, and being present, miracles will unfold.

Your frequency and perspectives will shift as you begin to experience life through a different lens – the heart.

Your, inner radiance will shine outside of you, and without force, attract everything you dream of and more.

The need to seek, manipulate, control, know all the details, will become energetic distortions of the past.

You will access the inner fountain of knowledge that your soul wishes to share. 

You will realise that everything you need you have.

Have love, compassion, patience, and kindness for yourself as you navigate this in any given moment. 

Be softer with yourself. Be willing to surrender, with every breath you take.

Everything in the future, is already there waiting for you, and as you change your frequency by being present, with each breathe you will come closer and closer to the glorious abundance waiting for you. 

Without placing expectations and controlling outcomes you may even get there quicker than you thought possible.

Quite simply – you will manifest that which matches your frequency. One of heart-based consciousness.

Be present and open to the treasures of each moment.

This is the one thing you can control. 

Enjoy the journey!

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Journey from the Head to the Heart

Journey from the Head to the Heart

The Mastery of Alignment

Here it comes again…

I feel it bubbling beneath the surface like poison coursing through my veins.

My body physically tenses and contracts as it senses what’s coming.

All too familiar with the uncomfortable cycle playing out.

The searing feeling of dread and nausea as it rises fiercely from the darkest depths of pain buried within my core. 

I try to ignore it and push it back down, but it’s not giving up. 

The lump in my throat as I determinedly push down the tears that so desperately want to burst through and flow. 

The palpitations and tightness rip savagely inside my chest. 

I gasp for air as the suffocating cloak of fear wraps around me and takes hold.

I close my eyes and feel myself spinning back to the dark place.  

Here it comes, the voice in my head. 

That familiar bossy voice that likes to control and tell me it’s for my own good.

Why does it always have to put me down? 

The constant repetition of you’re not good enough, you’re not worthy, you deserve all the bad things you get. 

Why can’t the voice be kind? Why does it have to be so cruel?

Crashing and bumping around until my head just feels like one big mixing pot of sticky mush.  

The incessant fidgeting and need to keep busy, what can I do to distract myself? 

I scream inside my head ‘I can’t keep doing this’, as it gets louder and louder. 

I scream again and again trying to block out the unrelenting noise. 

And then, I feel the tired, heavy aching pain in my heart as my soul tries to reach me and whispers I can help you’. 

No, no, no I don’t want to look at the pain buried there. 

I feel as if my heart will crack in two with the sheer force of the shame, rage, and guilt trying to spill out and escape. 

It’s best to bury it,’ the ‘’other’’ voice cunningly encourages. 

Enticing me, with any distraction it can. Have a drink, a cigarette, a bar of chocolate…. whatever I want, under the malicious pretense of it being fun and keeping me safe.

The soul softly replies, ‘You have a choice, you can turn this around. You just need to choose’.

The constant push and pull battle continues inside me. 

I want to change but I’m so scared. The face of fear feels safe and comforting like an old friend.

I begin to shiver, even though the tortuous pain in my heart is burning.  

I screech ‘I’m not brave enough. It’s too painful’. 

The soul tries again, and gently says, ‘Place your hand on your heart. Breathe in deeply and slowly, as you connect. This is how you find me. I can help you, you just need to be willing, let go. Just let go. I’ve got you’.

I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I yell back. 

The soul replies ‘In every moment be willing. Practice, practice, practice. It will come, be brave dear one’. 

It continues ‘Remember, the journey from the head to the heart, is not for the faint hearted. It can be a spiralling path of pain as you travel and delve into the darkest places buried within. Be willing. Each step taken will guide you to the next’. 

I feel myself floating in and out of consciousness as time ceases to exist in the sharpened claws of pain. 

Finally, as the tears begin to subside, anxiety and fear hastily retreat into the shadows for now.

Exhaustion takes over as I wearily survive another day of occupying my head. 

I know I must make changes. But desperately wonder how? 

Then I hear the souls nurturing voice ‘I’ll be here every time, I’ll never let you give up.’

Until next time…

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Chanting – Creating Conscious Connection

Chanting – Creating Conscious Connection

Have you ever chanted or felt a strong pull towards chanting? 

If you have, then you will know that you do not choose chanting, it chooses you! 

This is a magnetic pull from the universe asking you to connect and begin a conscious conversation of mystic vibrational dialect. 

Consistency in this practice creates embodiment of the divine and space for profound shifts in your life, as the sound of your words emit a frequency that draws experiences to you to reflect and align to that frequency. 

It can clear subconscious patterns and habits, enhance intuition, and open the guidance of the heart and the universe. Empowering an individual to change their life state and karma by transmuting their pain, trauma and suffering into joy, peace and balance. 

Chanting creates powerful vibrations within the body and energetic system. After chanting it is possible to notice the blueprint of the mantra still oscillating and pulsating within you even after you have stopped. 

Put quite simply this vibrational practice increases your frequency flow! 

Chanting is fundamentally linked to breathing and there is a natural internal entrainment between our heart-rate and our breathing pattern. Meaning if one alters, so does the other. Therefore, when we chant we not only synchronise our breathing but our hearts too! 

Imagine the uplifting effects of tens, hundreds and thousands of people all chanting together, elevating and supporting heart-based consciousness and unity across the planet. It’s mind blowing! 

Chanting is an ancient practice that calms your mind and soul. It has been used for thousands of years by Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. It can promote health benefits and combat the stresses of modern life. 

You may well ask, how can something as simple as chanting improve my overall wellbeing? 

Well let’s look at some of the science involved.

Did you know that there are 84 meridian points on the roof of the mouth? 

When you chant out loud your tongue stimulates those meridian points, and they in turn stimulate the hypothalamus, pineal gland, and the pituitary gland, strengthening the glandular system and changing the chemistry of the brain. 

There are many areas of the brain that are stimulated and become better regulated when chanting. A key area is the hypothalamus of the brain which is responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of the body and regulating emotional responses. It also helps to calm down the amygdala part of the brain which plays an important role in regulating our responses to fear and anger. 

This was evidenced in a study by the University of Hong Kong that showed when people were chanting and shown fear-inducing photos, areas of the brain that would normally light up on MRI scans that indicate fear started to disappear, showing that chanting can help to moderate and get rid of fear. But it was not just any word if they chanted “Santa Clause” nothing changed so the spiritual blueprint and frequency of the words being chanted are important. 

Chanting has also been shown to help those with post traumatic stress disorder and can increase brain function for those suffering from strokes and epilepsy. 

It can also play an important role and have a positive impact on regulating the central nervous system, as well as providing an opportunity to express and relieve you of intense emotions. Don’t worry if you get a bit teary whilst practicing the act of chanting, as crying is perfectly normal and it is a natural way of connecting you to a deeper emotional state of release. 

Studies show that when we chant on a regular basis our immune system is boosted and we are less likely to become ill. It creates more endorphins in our body and helps to create a better mood by helping to decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms. 

This is illustrated beautifully in the book “Human Sounds” by Jonathan Goldman. He followed a group of French Benedictine monks who chanted every single day and then decided to stop chanting. And low and behold, they started getting sick and when they were chanting they were hardly ever ill. 

Chanting and consistency in this practice creates conscious connection on a profound level. 

If you are curious about chanting and not sure where to start, then begin with chanting the universal vibration of OM for a few minutes each day, gradually increasing the duration. Feel and connect with the vibration it creates and notice the changes it can create for you! 

You may just be surprised by the gifts that are unveiled. 

What are you waiting for?

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Committing to your Journey: Facilitator Versus Fixer

Committing to your Journey: Facilitator Versus Fixer

In the words of Bob, the Builder ‘Can you fix it?’

There, I can go no further as the answer is a resounding ‘No’.

Yes, I am a specialist in my field.

However, I cannot fix you.

To hold this belief disempowers you. 

It quietens the inner voice of guidance within you waiting to awaken.

The truth is you have to do that part yourself.

Yes, yourself!

Have conviction and courage to commit to the journey. 

Understand there is a lifetime of learning, choices and wonderment ahead of you. 

I can guide you, hold space with compassion and non-judgement. 

Energetically hold your hand.

I can nurture your mindset and shine light on shadows you are blinded from that wish to surface and be freed. 

I can share my expertise, gifts, and wisdom. 

I can help you to become empowered as you navigate your conscious journey from the head to the heart. 

I can show you how to change your belief systems, programming, repeated cycles that no longer resonate for you.

Break free from the shackles of the mind that hold you prisoner, restricted, running the same old narratives of anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion, disconnection, stress and depression. 

I can share with you how to become a master of your emotions. 

I can show you how to release trauma, alchemize energetic density and raise your frequency. 

Share how to create a sacred space between your thoughts and awareness, anchoring to a stillpoint of peace. 

Develop and understand that happiness is a practice found within.

I can share new ways of being.

I can shine a light in the fog to enable you to navigate your path with clarity.

I can show you the light to connect within and begin the journey of self and mastery.

Do you want to discover the treasure within?

Do you want to connect to your soul’s gift?

Do you want to be the creator in the landscape of your life?

Do you want to own your journey and be empowered?

Then let’s go – what are you waiting for?

There is an adventure filled with mystery and empowerment waiting for us to explore together! 

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Sounds of your Soul – Do you remember?

Sounds of your Soul – Do you remember?

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

A layer of resistance is felt.

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

Soften your body, softer, softer still.

Place your hand on your heart.

Feel the rhythm and beats of love pumping through your body.

Connect to your heart energy.

Go deeper, deeper, deeper into the void.


Travel and weave through the tunnel of midnight darkness.

Emerge into the welcome golden shimmering light.

At the very core, this is where you’ll find remembrance.



Your I AM.

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

A flicker of light, a pulsating of energy.

Energy balls spark, colours ignite, sound waves, frequency bands, simply electrifying.

Boom – connection!

This is the key.

The key that connects you to the most precious gift.

The sounds of your soul.

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

Feel it in your heart.

Feel it in your wisdom, in your spoken word, your actions, your truth!

Let me introduce you.

This is your vibrational blueprint.

Your unique energetic signature.

A magnificent gift to behold.

Where soul contracts are made and honoured in this lifetime, lifetimes gone, and lifetimes to come.

The pain, suffering, despair, hurt, loneliness you experience in this lifetime, is born from love, agreed on the soul planes.

Created from the purest of frequencies.

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

To alchemise, ascend and spiral you to your highest timeline.

The journey YOU chose to navigate in this lifetime.

Do you remember the journey of evolution you chose to experience?

Hear the sounds of your soul, dear one.

Through your darkest times, remember, this wisdom.

Remember this truth.

Through the polarity of these experiences you will remember how to love unconditionally.

You will gain strength.

You will learn compassion.

You will find your way back.

You will find your truth.

You will find YOU!

Let the ride of ascension and mastery commence.

Do you remember? Gently whispers the soul.

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